Registration for Girls Golf will open on Monday, February 3rd. To register, please click on the registration link below. Once in the registration site, please read the information on how to register. During registration, you will be filling out the Castle View Spring Sports Registration.
For registration instructions, please click here: Registering for sports
Welcome to CVHS Golf. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you. If you have any questions after reading the following information, please call me at 303.618.4321.
Program Philosophy
CVHS golf will be as competitive as possible. Each tournament will allow the top 5 qualifying players for the week an opportunity to compete against some of the top junior golfers in the state, subject to the discretion of the Head Coach. The final number of players to make the team will be determined shortly and is somewhat dependent on the number of players that have registered.
Try-outs will begin this year on February 24th. Our regular practice times will be from 3:30 to 5:15 Monday through Thursday and locations will vary. A Parent/Player meeting will be held on February 10th at 5:00PM in the SaberCave at the school, it is imperative that a parent or guardian attend this meeting. Players cannot participate in try-outs/practice without having paid the league fee of $200, completed a sports physical and filed all paperwork, there are no exceptions to this rule.
Fees/Paper Work
The league athletic fee of $200 per player will be due along with all athletic registration forms which will be online and the link can be found at http://www.sabercatsports.org/page/show/2625830-registration beginning February 1st. Registration must be complete by 2.12.25. Additionally, there will be a team fee which will be determined by March 6th and due at that time, which should cover the cost of all practice green fees through the Regional Tournament. The team fee will be approximately $275 per player and will be dependent on the number of players that make the team. If we have less than 16 players the team fee will be adjusted accordingly. Team shirts will be at an additional cost of $50 per player. All team fees will need to be paid through the player’s MySchoolBucks account. Please see hole sponsorships below.
All players will be responsible for the following:
*Golf Clubs
*Golf Bags - school owned bags will be checked out to each player for the season
*Golf Balls
*Knee length shorts, skirts/skorts or pants – gray, black and white in color (cut-offs are not allowed), no denim, appropriate golf shirts are required – NO spaghetti straps
*Soft Spike shoes
*Rain Gear is optional
Every player must complete a physical exam each year before the first day of try-outs.
Hole Sponsorship
We are asking every player to secure two hole sponsorships from local businesses for the tournament we are hosting at South Suburban in April, the cost of a sponsorship is $125 per hole. We will need to have all sponsorships in place no later than March 20th so we can have the signs prepared in time for our tournament. Players can sell as many hole sponsorships as they choose to offset all team fees except the league fee.
Sports Physical
Every player must complete a physical exam each year before the first day of try-outs. Physicals can be completed at your family physician’s office or the Little Clinic at King Soopers.
Rules of Golf
Please complete the Rules of Golf Test, be sure to provide the rule number and the page number where you located your answer in the Rules of Golf book for all questions including true/false questions. Please e-mail your completed test to Coach Hedges.
Rules Test
Player Contract
Warning to Students and Parents
Golf Bag Form
Hole Sponsor Form
Fundraising Agreement
CHSAA Bulletin
Golf Team Philosophy
Girls' Varsity lettering requirements are as follows:
1) Play in a minimum of two league varsity tournaments with a score of 90 or lower, or
2) Play in the Regional or State Tournament (this will guarantee 4 letters will be awarded regardless of scores) and
3) Finish the season in good standing or the letter will not be awarded.
Lightning Protocol
CVHS LIGHTNING PROTOCOL: The coaching staff will utilize the WeatherBug Spark app to estimate the number of miles from our site, the distance from our site needs to be at least 8 miles or we vacate the premises; we observe the direction of the storm; we check with on-site pro shop staff; in most cases the pro shop will sound a horn to advise of the need to stop play; we will never keep a player on the course that is not comfortable and if we are not comfortable we leave or go inside the building
Preferred Swing Instructiors/Jr. Golf Tours
Coaching Staff

Perry Villanueba - Head Golf Coach
Phone: 303.618.4321

Dani Look - Assistant Golf Coach
Phone: 303.6813.8457